Clean Energy Consulting & Education (CEC&E) can provide the following services using their broad range of expertise and their substantial network of professional engineers and scientists.
The following descriptions are specific to solar energy but serve as examples of our services portfolio.
Independent/Owner’s Engineer Services:
• Conduct due diligence reviews on projects
• Develop RFPs for EPC selection and evaluate responses
• Conduct project feasibility studies and pre-project planning
• Provide project design reviews
• Provide engineering assistance throughout the project
Due Diligence Services:
Site Assessment
Evaluate existing site characteristics for suitability for the project
Geotechnical aspects including drainage features, vegetation and site topography
Potential shading sources
Proposed points of access
Proximity to transmission lines
Existing and abandoned utilities and infrastructure
Proximity to other utilities that will serve as infrastructure
Impact of environmental aspects
Technology Assessment
Review proposed solar power generating system
Review current state of technology development and track record
Evaluate proposed equipment manufacturers
Evaluate the major equipment items proposed
Review expected energy generation
Review completed system performance
Community Relations and Education:
Develop community relations/public involvement plans
Prepare and deliver presentations to the general public and other interested parties such as state/county/local authorities and regulators
Develop and facilitate K-12 educational programs and activities for local schools and other educational establishments
• Classroom displays
• Classroom activities
• Teacher workshops
Develop and facilitate educational displays for client's employees and customers